I’m living a Teenage Dream

Friday 8 October 2010


In the role of producer:

I am going to create a quick profile of each of my interviewees.

Adults within Montage- Interviewing adults will provide the audience with the general sterotypical view of teenagers , which I then then explore and try to highilight the differences within the piece.

PCSO Officer- Male officer to show the stereotypical view of authority to contrast against the theme of the documentary. The Officer will give a view of the real side of teenagers they see on a day to day bases.

Teenagers within Montage- A large mixture of stereotypical "hoodie" teens with "friendly" looking teens thus giving the audience a mixture of views and showing the large variety of teens and that not all fit one stereotype.

Sam Giles's Parents - The parents will be placed within a family living room space as it will make it more inmate appeal to the teens . As it is in an inmate environment the audience will be able to identify with the parents more.

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